FREE Bonus for My Readers.
Please enjoy these free companion printouts to accompany you when reading, Master Your Spiritual Journey.
Navigate Your Life Path with Certainty and KNOWING.
Rise Above Faith
Do you want to attain a higher level of spirituality that gives you a sharper sense of internal knowing?
Do you want to gain a clearer sense of what is true and not true for you, so you can flow into a more focused life journey?
If so, today could be the day a new life transformation begins for you.
The seeds for this exciting change can be found in Can San Trantow’s new book, Master Your Spiritual Journey: Connect to the Wisdom of Your Inner Guru.
Can San is a renowned spiritual teacher, life coach, and author.
He is deeply dedicated to touching the lives of others by sharing tools, lessons, and exercises that empower you to navigate your life path with greater certainty and self-mastery.
Nurture Your Spirit With Timeless Wisdom
Through Can San’s personal stories and insights, Master Your Spiritual Journey fuels you with the wisdom you need to feel more confident in your ability to…
- Form a direct connection with Spirit that is true and YOURS
- Benefit from a deeper understanding of the world around you
- Connect with your inner guru through meditation and energy healing
- Develop an inner guidance system that infuses your intuition with clarity
You’ll learn to find joy in growing spiritually and identifying who YOU really are as a spiritual being.
The result will be answers where you once had questions, and a definite sense of knowing, even when the way seems unsure.

Book Specifications
Title: Master Your Spiritual Journey: Connect to the Wisdom of Your Inner Guru
Author: Can San Trantow
Publisher: Shiva Dharma Publishing
ISBN – Paperback: 978-1-7330519-0-3
ISBN – eBook: 978-1-7330519-1-0
Genres: Spirituality, Religion, Meditation, Self-Help, Chakras
Retail Price: $29.95 (Wholesaler discounts available-contact Shiva Dharma Publishing)
Format: Paperback & eBook, 22 B&W Photos
Trim: 5.5” x 8.5”
Pages: 186
Release Date: October 3, 2019
Distributed by: Ingram
Available at all major retailers
4 Transformative Elements.
In Master Your Spiritual Journey, Can San Trantow imparts practical and powerful wisdom through a series of lessons and exercises that center on four essential elements on which you can tune your spirit.
Fire Water
Air Earth
Each element is a representation of a fundamental aspect of your being. The step-by-step exercises you’ll learn that revolve around these elements will connect you closer to your inner guru.
9 Powerful Revelations
Master Your Spiritual Journey also introduces you to nine powerful revelations of self.
When you read about these traits with an open heart and mind, you’ll be guided to connect with your own version of these revelations and their corresponding symbols.
You’ll learn how to develop daily meditations around these revelations that help you dig deeper into your being and your true, authentic purpose.
The result will be answers where you once had questions, and a definite sense of knowing, even when the way seems unsure.
Where to Buy.
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